Sunday, February 19, 2006

Trees are good unless...

Yes...Trees are good unless you are hit by them. Last friday while walking on the sidewalk to my office, I was hit by a tree. Reading the SMS while walking will do that to you also.

I was actually reading a message and didn't notice a thing before the impact. I was really hurt intensely to the death for a while. Just turned back and looked around with a terrified fury thinking that someone did hit me. It was the stupid branch of a tree that had hit me. I then self-diagnosed, Thank God! I appeared okay. I just noticed at some distance there was a gentleman(!) chuckling at me. " could have stopped me na..", I cursed him by heart.

Mmm...Feeling better now, Thanks to IODEX. Curious to know what was the SMS that caused me being hurt???

SMS @ just 25 paise! Buy the cat @ night SMS pack @ 15 per month. Limited period offer! To activate, sms CATSMSACTV to 222. A damn SMS from Airtel.

Monday, February 06, 2006


It’s not true that I have never tried it to date, but I’m not addicted to it. It really isn’t a problem for me, as I believe I can almost stop it whenever I want to. During my college days I used to be doing it a lot. Once I’m in to work there has been a little gap for some time now.

On the way back home yesterday, I felt so bored and tired. My roomies had not got home then. So I felt like doing it again. I know it will eat some of my sleep if I’m deep in to it. But I still loved doing it. To date, I have pointedly avoided reading about it in magazines and all - I wanted to find my own methods and strategies. So I had been doing it till I realized that I’m supposed to be up with the sunup today.

Yes, I’m hooked on Sudoku.